As an instructional technique, the use of storigami (telling stories through origami) has been spreading all around the world in the last decade. In order to apply this alternative technique which is suggested to be more applicable in the preschool period, preschool teachers’ perceptions are of utmost importance. This study aims to elicit preschool teachers’ perceptions regarding the use of storigami in their activities. Twenty preschool teachers working in kindergarten participated in this qualitative study. All participants were asked to watch three different videos modelling the application of storigami in the classroom. After they watched the videos, they were required to answer some written questions to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of this alternative technique. Data gathered via SWOT analysis questions were coded by the help of content analysis technique. Findings showed that storigami was accepted as a new technique to increase the interest, attention, motivation and cognitive skills of preschoolers. Additionally, it was also perceived as a great professional development technique for the in-service preschool teachers. On the contrary, the difficulty of this technique for both students and young learners because of the necessity of some specific skills were stated to be considered.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Görsev Sönmez, Ebru Hasibe Tanju Aslışen