Current Issue
Theory and Practice in Child Development (T&PICD) is an online, open access and peer-reviewed journal. T&PICD publishes research papers, theoretical works, literature reviews, research reports and book reviews on all aspects of child development.
T&PICD is now indexed in EBSCO H. W. Wilson Education Full Text Database
We are pleased to announce that the Theory and Practice in Child Development was accepted in H. W. Wilson Education Full Text Database.
EBSCO H. W. Wilson Education Full-Text Database includes rigorous curation and indexing of scholarly journals in education, and is accepted as a field index by UAK in Türkiye. After successfully passing the double blind reviewing process in our journal, you can add your articles to your resume for academic promotion, academic incentives, and associate professorship applications in Türkiye. To see the coverage list, please visit the website at
Call for Papers

Theory and Practice in Child Development (T&PICD) is an international, online, open access and peer-reviewed journal. T&PICD publishes research papers, theoretical works, literature reviews, research reports and book reviews on all aspects of child development.
T&PICD’s main objective is to provide an Open Access scientific platform that publishes high quality manuscripts and contribute to international collaboration in the area of child development research.
T&PICD welcomes your submissions for the next issue (Vol. 5, No. 1, 2025). T&PICD provides a rapid and rigorous peer-review and editorial process. Each article accepted after peer review is made freely and immediately available online. T&PICD does not charge any publication fees. For more information, please refer to Author Guidelines.
New publication of our editors just published
Call for Editorial Board Members
Theory and Practice in Child Development (T&PICD) is seeking members to join our international Editorial Board. They will work alongside the Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editor.
If you are interested in serving on the editorial board of T&PICD please sent your CV and Letter of Interest. All enquiries, expressions of interest and applications should be directed via email to: